In the face of all that happened in the world this past week (so much, so much), my little project of it’s not too late started to feel pretty frivolous to me.
I got lost in a fantasy of working for Doctors without Borders for a good day and a half, never mind that I have zero skills they would need.
But then I had the thought, in a hot shower after a cold morning run, that perhaps now more than ever we need faith that things can change.
Faith in teensy miracles, in seedling beginnings, in hope itself.
That faith can come from a lot of places including, perhaps, dusting off a dream that feels like it’s past due, too late to try, and what the heck, taking action on it.
And then sharing your actions, no matter how small, with someone.
Maybe with this community.
Might that give us a little boost of oomph and courage to get through these dark times?
I love this comment from last’s week post by Claire Mackinnon,
“Five years ago, soon before my 40th birthday, I began dancing on the stage again because I realized it wasn't too late. A year ago I began my Substack to document the ongoing process of reclaiming my creativity. I am also writing a memoir about my journey back to dance. On the bad days, all of that feels pointless. Frivolous. A consistent [self-sabotaging] thought I have is exactly the one you are pointing to so brilliantly. I should give it all up, and do something more important. Something that makes more logical sense. Shimmying on stage covered in glitter and writing about what it has taught me about being a woman in this world isn't going to help anyone.
Right now, I am looking to surround myself with like-souled adventurers, as I continue to take small steps and keep going. And so today I am feeling grateful that you and this has landed in my inbox.”
Let’s be like-minded soul adventurers shimmying together.
And if you hate to shimmy, then walking together is totally great too.
Let’s give each other energy and encouragement to keep going and maybe, just maybe, by sharing our small steps, we can knit together a tiny bit of our frayed human trust and give ourselves a little more energy to work toward the greater good, as well as our own illogical dreams?
Just to be clear, your illogical dream could be anything!
To take ballet classes for the first time since 3rd grade or to get your grocery store orchids to bloom again or to eat what you want without rules or to write a novel (that’s mine and it’s one I’ve tried many times before).
All that matters is you genuinely want to explore for yourself, not for what it will get you.
Because we are craving real, we need real.
We are sick of simulated, smoothed-out, carefully curated and we are triply sick of hype.
The slick hype is one reason we lose our faith in life and each other.
Let’s make a beautiful reality out of what’s calling to us even if, or especially if, that calling feels impossible or silly or like we are tilting at windmills.
Is there a past-due-date dream or a passed-over desire simmering in you?
Maybe it’s not time to take action on it yet, that’s totally cool, but would it feel good to share your dream so it can start to feel real, to matter to us as well as you?
Or maybe you’re already taking action on your neglected desire and if so, please, share! It will lift us all up. I can’t wait to hear about it.
Or maybe you’re thinking about starting and want to share one wobbly first step you’re taking. So beautiful, thank you in advance!
I’ll share mine in the comments.
Thank you for considering this little dream of mine and maybe participating. No pressure! But I’d love to cheer you on and be cheered on.
And if you miss the Oasis, my former online community, this is one way to replace it!
P.S. I wrote a book called Why Bother? if you need more help believing it’s not too late. Sorry for the Amazon link, it’s out of stock at right now.
I'm writing a contemporary fantasy, a Hogwarts for middle aged women where the women learn magic to buy humanity time to address the climate crisis. I'm not allowing myself any thoughts that I can't finish a solid first draft but this morning I stepped into a plot hole. So needing the good energy coming from all you shimmying dreamers!
At 74 I just published my first book based on my personal and professional experience as a cancer research nurse and daughter and friend of cancer patients. 4 Paths of Cancer: A Journey Through Myths, Grief, Hope, Love was written to demystify, destigmatize and humanize cancer. I am so happy I created this. I wasn't too old and it was not a frivolous dream as some may have thought. With love to all.