What an amazing person, your friend Meredith Wild. Just because I never knew her until today speaks to the great way you connect your readers with highly intelligent, curious, aware communicators. The never too late theme hooked me when you popped up your head on Substack. Your next book journey page is fun. Because wisdom is the currency in my community of Gifted Professionals and Communicators, I'm noticing most people who come closer, subscribe, and refer their close friends into our conversations are 40+. Maybe there is some kind of tipping point at which you have lived, loved, lost, regrouped, and played out most of your ego-driven stupidity to see that you have something major to still do and it's not too late. At the same time, you've done and tried all you know how and that's where wisdom and guides immediately ahead of you in the journey seem like a better choice for traveling companionship. Oh, for sure, there's magic in there too.

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thanks, Georgia, your community sounds amazing!

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