Jan 31Liked by Jennifer Louden

What's most important to me these days is to continue to express my voice honestly in thoughts as well as emotions as well as sensations in my writing out regularly, without judgment or shame, the lifelong varied trajectories my life has taken due to Complex Trauma since birth and to this day; and to be willing to wait for the lightbulb moments in which the seemingly disparate pieces of my living out of this trauma suddenly or gradually fall together in meaningful connections, understandings...none of this writing or waiting feels safe to me, even though it is only on my private papers, yet it does feel very alive and courageous for me to slog through a lot and keep finding myself on the other side as I sit here today at 68 years - if one day what I have experienced can be of support or help to another or others, then that would be just great too, but is not necessary to my own ongoing working out.

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so beautiful! So brave. I celebrate with you.

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Jan 31Liked by Jennifer Louden

Thank you, Jen! Whew...

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Jan 31Liked by Jennifer Louden

FYI - I was able to visit Woman's & Children First Bookstore on the North Side of Chicago recently with my daughter. (It has not changed much - still a fantastic independent book seller, perhaps more extensive shelfs of LGTGAI+ authors). I know I first met you when you appeared at this bookstore to promote The Woman’s Comfort Book. I have followed you ever since. Since my daughter is 28 --- this has to be 30 years?? So to echo the writer with the folder (I am not that organized!) - yes you have and continue to make an impact ripples.

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Oh Danielle that’s so so awesome

To hear! And yes I remember that store so well. Some of my very first talks! ❤️❤️❤️

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Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Louden

"What’s [..] important to you? Name it. If it’s still important, it’s not too late." << Love this, thank you

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Right? There’s something there to explore, enjoy, learn about, give voice to. ❤️

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Love this and I needed to hear this while I set up my Substack to launch in mid-February to start consistently sharing my writing for the first time in my life. It's to compliment launching life + wellbeing coaching as one of my offerings in my business. And Jen, I had the perfect tool from the Write Now course to use as I designed what I want it to look like: the writing project vision sheet. So here's to sharing more of my voice!

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That’s so great! Love those visions sheets. Tell me when you launch so I can support you.

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I did it, I launched my Substack! Here is the home page https://rachaelgaibel.substack.com/

Here is the first new post I emailed to subscribers: https://rachaelgaibel.substack.com/p/how-i-started-living-a-life-true

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Celebrating with you!! 🌟🙌🏻🤸🤩

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Thank you, that is so kind of you! I will let you know.

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Feb 1Liked by Jennifer Louden

I'm grateful for being able to get to do exactly what I am drawn to. Recently retired and wanting things to be so very different (I'd thought) but of course realizing I may be exactly where I want to be, today I've been trying to get my gratitude journal done for the past month. Acceptance is key to my Joy!

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Acceptance is the key to joy. So so true. I needed that reminder today. ❤️

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Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Louden

Thank you for sharing this! Lately I've been hearing that tiny voice saying "it's too late" and I'm so glad I caught it before it could drag me all the way down. I know I'm not a great writer, but I enjoy it and want to improve, and most importantly, use my voice, like you said.

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I promise if I could learn to write anybody can. Keep the faith!

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Feb 2Liked by Jennifer Louden

Thanks Jennifer - the unfolding “story” seems to continue and your words (and the words of other writers here on Substack) are giving me much to “muse” about. “Perfectly on Time”

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love that!!!

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I know I said this on Notes already, but it feels worth saying again—and especially with the added context about you learning to write out loud!!—that I love all of this SO much. 🔥

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Thanks Maddie. I appreciate you. Means a lot.

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