
My risk needs to be around friendship. I had my heart broken by friends in some pretty brutal ways and I don’t want to give up on making new friends or showing up for friends but man I like to hide. I need help figuring out what my risk will be…

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I want to acknowledge how tender it is to have your heart broken and how courageous you are not to give up on new friendships and not to go into hiding. I wonder what feeling safe would feel like for you? What if you brainstormed a list of 20 tiny risks you could take that would feel like putting a toe outside your comfort zone and did one every day? (could be as small as smiling at someone in the grocery store).

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That’s interesting Karen thank you! That leads me to see I need to do some journaling around what I want in friendship. I’ve exhaustively examined what I did wrong in the past 🫣but not so much what I could have asked for early in the relationships. I think a lot of it comes back to over giving…

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

What a great idea! I may try journaling on this for myself. Many of my old friendships/relationships no longer work for me...I have not yet pondered what I really do want in a friendship. Thank you.

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your suggestion gave me a big aha on my walk -- I overgive in friendships because there is still a part of me that doesn't truly trust anyone would want to be friends with me. That ugly story needs some loving... again!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I can so relate to this, Jen. You naming it helped me recognize (again) how I can so easily do this... an old story I will be bringing some love and healing to, too!

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healing to us both!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I deeply understand this experience. I have been heartbroken at the loss of friends who I really cared about, who either judged me wrongly or just faded from my life. The good news is that, I have created some beautiful new friendships with people who are equally comitted to our relationship and who's lives reflect deep heart and beauty. I have let go of the other relationships with love and acceptance that they were not to be my long term family. I have relaxed more around knowing that everything and everyone comes and goes eventually. I have also I am sure, dissapointed people who might have wished to be closer friends with me. I have become more aware of how I treat people as well. May you discover new loving fulfilling relationships that bring you joy!

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thank you!!! I love this.

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Sep 5Liked by Jennifer Louden

Getting a friendship divorce is very hard and the kind of heartbreak that is rarely talked about. The partners are all like, 'they weren't very good for you, move on...blah, blah, blah" but this is so hard to do when there is a hole in our life where these friends used to be. Sadly, when we are divorced from one friend it often means we lose a few.

It took me years to recover from losing an important friendship, even though I know why it happened and I understand it.

I have still been willing to risk my heart in the friendship department but I feel for those who are guarded💕

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I've experienced the same thing. I moved back to my hometown and my childhood friends have basically abandoned me. After being the only one to organize getting together for a year, I gave up. As a result, I never see them so I guess they weren't too interested in maintaining our friendship. I work from home and I'm single, so meeting new people has been challenging. I heard about an online app called TimeLeft. I don't think it's specifically for romantic relationships. The idea is you get matched with 5 people and you meet for dinner. It's available in select cities. You can find out more here: https://timeleft.com/. I may take part if it was available close by, but it's not.

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that's a great resource thanks Carole! Tell us if you try it!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I see you sister! ❤️❤️ Let’s hermit together with our broken open hearts.

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Thank you. That makes me tear up too.

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Sep 14Liked by Jennifer Louden

Friendship with you would be a wonderful gift. I suspect you have quite a bit of clarity about what you want in friendship so I am curious to know if you have identified the risk at this point

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Friendship with YOU IS wonderful! I wish we didn’t leave thousands of miles and an ocean apart. You are one of those special people Anne Walsh!

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I love your theme this month! I will need to reflect more for mine, perhaps something related to my newer offering of coaching.

In the meantime, I did have a couple reflections for you from your post. I appreciate the vulnerability and see this is important to you, as hard as it can be to show back up in relationships after having your heart broken. I saw you got multiple responses already, but here are a couple additional things, from a lens of positive psychology coaching: what is important about building and sustaining friendships in your life right now? What current friendships energize you and bring you joy? Energizing relationships are the high quality relationships in your life, which could be a place to start to give attention to one of them.

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those are so helpful thank you ! I will reflect!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I too have lost friends for different reasons. It makes me really appreciate what a gift it is to have the ones that last a lifetime. Sometimes though, I don’t trust my own judgment.

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Me too.

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I love this idea! I had a sign (homemade) above my desk as I took myself through college at fifty-years-old after having been kicked out of high school at fifteen. The sign read, "It's never too late to become what you might have been" ~George Eliot. A very long and winding road found me becoming a psychotherapist at fifty-nine. I'm seventy-three now and am wanting to design dish ware. Why? I don't know! But for the last several years I have been learning Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and designing patterns for fabrics. I know myself well enough to know that I may decide, if I'm still alive, to try to publish a book when I'm...say...around eighty! Who knows?

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I could not love this more. How thrilling. I am filled with inspiration. I’m seriously struggling with a scene I’m writing today and I will channel your curiosity and determination. Thank you!!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

What an inspiring story you are. I love this. You’re actually doing the it’s-never-too-late way of being.

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

A radiant perspective! This is so inspiring to read, Linda!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

A little more than a year ago, after a catastrophic knee injury and during the construction of our home in NE Tennessee, I took a chance and signed up for yoga teacher training. I thought I would get a strong yoga body. Instead I began to develop a strong yoga mind. What I love most is the Community of warm and supportive women that’s developed around my yoga teaching. This has brought a richness to my life I never imagined. I should mention my chronological age is 63. as long as you are breathing, it’s never too late.

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Sandra what an awesome story! I’m feeling your joy. And what is better than a strong yoga mind?? Nothing! Inner peace ☮️ rules.

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I have decided to take a month off work and travel to Italy to write, to soak in the beauty, and to enjoy slow food. I bought a ticket for 3 weeks and am working up the courage to expand it to 4 weeks. The only person getting in my way is me. It feels like a leap to tell all my clients and staff that I will not be available and to really allow myself to take this time to just be....and be open to whatever arrives. I have been feeling tired and a bit sloggy lately. So, I have started a joy journey...!

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How amazing. I am in love with this idea. I do hope you stay!!

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

Thanks everyone for your encouragement! I extended my stay to a full month!!!!!!

My belly is clenching and I am also jumping up and down with excitement. I have no idea how I am going to get ready and perhaps I won't be ready and that will be alright.

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Grinning so big! Look at you LEAP!

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Sep 5Liked by Jennifer Louden

Amazing!! Want company? Joking…kinda

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Since reading your email, I’ve been contemplating whether my move from California—where I’ve lived my entire life—to the Midwest constitutes a risk. One the one hand, it’s involved dismantling my life in CA and rebuilding it somewhere new and alien. On the other hand, it feels like a coming home.

I’m here because my dearest friends, my chosen family, are here. Perhaps when the first winter storm hits, I’ll think: hell yeah, this was risky.

Right now though, it feels like this big move doesn’t put my heart or my spirit on the line, as so many risks do. Rather it answers the question my heart and spirit have been asking for all 52 years of my life: where do I belong?

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Oh that makes me tear up. I can’t wait to come visit. Belonging is something I’ve spent a lot of time looking for and it’s a precious gift to give it to yourself! Maybe that’s the only way we do belong…

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Can’t wait for you to come!! ❤️❤️

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maybe for a winter storm!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Where in the Midwest? I am in Michigan. Where do I belong has been a lifelong question for me too. Where are all the places you feel connected to...where you do belong?

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

I just relocated to Michigan! belonging and home.....I just wrote all about it too!!!

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

Wow! I am in Ann Arbor - where are you?

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

traverse city

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

Welcome to Michigan!!!! Traverse City is a beautiful spot....

I often get as far as north of Muskegon.....Love the water, sand, dunes, and silence interrupted only by the waves and the fish leaping.

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

still looking for the silence :)

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Just subscribed to your 'stack.

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

thank you so much!!!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I moved from San Diego (where I'd gone after college and spent two decades creating and building a business) back to Iowa (where my family lives) at age 40. It was a risk and a blessing and I've found the community here I needed in this phase of life. I hope you are thriving in your new home and at least winter is only one season in the year. :)

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

This resonates as I just relocated (again) and actually just wrote a Substack piece on the process. Starting my Substack this year was my finally putting myself and my writing in the world. With hopes of finally sitting down and getting to work on that memoir I've been threatening......

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

My risk is promoting my books more. Too many times people will say I didn't know you write. I think I am afraid that I am not good enough. And I end up being involved in volunteering where I do get recognized for my leadership skills.

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Oh yes, I am such a believer and cheerleader for us promoting our own work. You just gave me my theme for next month! In the meantime, as someone who has promoted 8 books (!!!) over 32 years, let's brainstorm what might help. Tell me your book titles for a start.

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Mosquito Madness, Postcards from Me, and Postcards from Hollywood are the tweens' series and Every Woman's Tale and A Different Kind of Christmas and Other Stories are for adults. I'm headed out to catch the beautiful sunrise in Denver. Thanks Jen.

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so two different markets. Okay cool. In the past, what have you loved doing to connect with each of those groups of readers? What do you love doing that doesn't even feel like marketing but feels like connecting?

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I have spoken to school and church groups about fighting Malaria. I have gone to holiday markets (going to arts in the park in North Platte Nebraska where the second book is set partially) and I'm trying to get a virtual book club going. Done nothing with the very first adult book which is only the an e book.

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sounds like you enjoy connecting with readers in person or on zoom. I would focus on finding readers where they gather already and tapping into those groups. Do more of what you love.

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Jen! This is a beautiful community building idea. I want to risk forgiveness... which can sometimes seem risky because one feels as if they are erasing themselves. But the opposite, holding on to misunderstanding can be stultifying and the feeling leaves me mired.

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I get that! Didn't reach out to an old friend whose birthday it was recently because I need to forgive and it's stuck in me. It's can be a tough one for sure!

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Three things:

1 - I am going to put a Madam President sticker on my car. I live in an ultra conservative town and have always kept my political views to myself. I am sick of hiding in the shadows while all the old white men control all the conversations. (I’m getting a Kamilla t-shirt too!)

2 - I am going to get back into freelance writing. I can and want to earn money as a writer again! Warming up for the plunge by taking a 12-week class on digital copywriting. I have sniffed around this for the past two years but have repeatedly talked myself out of it. Enough! The class starts tomorrow!

3 - my mother died 3 years ago from chronic alcoholism. In some ways, I experienced a huge release after her death. But this summer,, through my writing, I realized how much I have continued to allow the toxic crap from our relationship weigh me down. Next week I am going to Throw Her Away by hurling her ashes (which I had made into small white Parting Stones) into a huge deep lake. I have kept them in a box in my Creative Space and now I want them and her and the toxicity GONE. I have been afraid to truly let go. I know now that I have to - and that I can! Thank you, Jen, for starting this conversation.

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your first response made it - sometimes this platform lags. Erin these are all so POWERFUL and REAL. I feel the energy from here and it's amazing. I hope the class is a blast. And you're an excellent writer so hell yes to making money.

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

My risk begins with posting this here and now. I want to facilitate a women’s art journal workshop around the love of shoes and other things that we wear (or don’t wear) which tell a story about where we’ve walked, what we’ve experienced, and who we are. I’ve been thinking about it for so long and I have so many fears and ways of dismissing my ideas. I used to be so much braver.

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Mundi cheering loudly! I ADORE THIS IDEA. I did a post awhile back about clothes and dressing. I have become so much more interested in how I dress in the last 5 years or so. Permission to be creative and care about how I look has been huge for me. I hope you do this! People will love it.

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Thank you so much. I did see your post about it and I loved it and felt encouraged by it. So much of what you say, has been uplifting and motivating for me for many years.

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oh that makes me so happy!!!!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

My risk is hosting in-person workshops this fall (already on the calendar!). I said yes because part of me is ready… but then the other part has been louder this week asking "what have I gotten myself into?!” *cue the exasperated groan*

I feel comfortable and totally joyful facilitating groups on Zoom, but in-person still feels intense... It churns up memories of presenting in school as a sensitive kid who learned that it felt safest to turn down my true excitement about things—ouch, the memories (and the tension in my throat as I write this).

“I love my rut, I hate my rut” is so real! Thank you, Jen. I cherish your writing and honesty.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Author

I'm so with you! I agreed to speak to two college classes this month on self care and my mindfulness, and I’m like WTF?? what Was I thinking? Ugh and yet I know (hope!) I’ll be happy I did it. I want those kids to know these skills.

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I relate! I want to teach in person again and have resisted. So strange how Zoom was initially daunting in 2020, and now it feels safe and comfortable. “I love my rut/I hate my rut” resonates!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I desperately want to move somewhere other than where I’ve been most of my life (the DC area). France is at the top of the list. Not sure why I’m so scared to just do it!

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Maybe Anne’s thoughts next week will be helpful or reading her newsletter. She definitely did the big move and learned a lot!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I have taken many risks myself. Three divorces, selling my home and possesions and traveling for 4 years alone in my 50's! Finding a new partner at 59 who is 16 years my junior and creating a new life, home, garden etc. for the last 12 years, and much more. But now I have been comfortable. And I have an amazing program called The Enchanted Heart Wisdom Circle, which is a world of wonder in writing, art and a counseling system that is fantastic. But I have not shared it with a larger audience and want to begin the teaching program part, but I have not followed through...

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Author

Awesome! Sharing widely is a great risk! i find that if I can break my marketing/connecting activities into small daily tasks that are doable, I am more likely to do them!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

I am newly retired and going to a writing workshop on Martha’s Vineyard this month.

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That’s so exciting! What kind of writing?

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Hello Jennifer and all, I am one week from my 78th birthday. It shocks me to be that old. I quit working as a diabetes educator only a year ago and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Well hell, that brought about major thinking. But since publishing my one and only book in mid-2022 I have wondered who I am and what I really care about. Suddenly and unexpectedly, I am studying animal communication! Experienced teachers tell me that the basis for this talent is grounding, becoming more peaceful, and continuing to grow! I am supposed to communicate from my heart, not my head. So every value I have is involved in this new discovery. I am reading Animal Talk, How to Speak Dog and Intimate Nature: The Bond Between Women and Animals. It certainly is never too late to find a new way to see the world. Love to you all.

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first of all you're the most amazing 78 year old I know! And I love you taking on this new learning. You will be awesome at it. I'm so proud of you for retiring and I'm sorry for the reasi but you will always continue to learn! biggest hugs!

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I’m taking a risk and signing up for a virtual course in how to use AI to enhance my graphic design skills. I provide graphic design support in addition to technical, creative, and grant writing skills for my fundraising + media campaign clients. I need to better understand the power of this emerging tech to grow with it as a creative + professional. Here I go!

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awesome! We need people like you to learn to use it the right way. Tell us how it goes!

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Sep 4Liked by Jennifer Louden

Your email popped in at 4:20AM, at the exact same time that I was in full-on panic mode about launching my new writing business at 60. Imposter syndrome, being 'too old", burned bridges, certain and imminent failure, torment over my divorce and the three grief-filled years since...the whole shebang. My mantra most of the time is, "The Universe is my partner" and it soothes me. When I read this post, it felt like the Universe was standing there, hand on hip, head tilted slightly and eye-brow raised, saying, "Well? What did I tell you?"

Thank you for your lovely invitation. I'm in!

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share a link to your new biz!

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

Here goes...


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beautiful website!!!

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Sep 7Liked by Jennifer Louden

🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

I started my Substack at 62! You can do it :)

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Sep 6Liked by Jennifer Louden

I love this!

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