Love this issue so much! It speaks to everything I teach in my climate optimism work! Staying grounded in nature, connecting with likeminded people, easing anxiety by taking action, and committing to the game! Thank you for your work and contribution to our movement Jen!

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Thanks for commenting Anne.

I love your work!

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May 22Liked by Jennifer Louden

Climate optimism sounds like an important and help perspective shift.

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I find it all too exhausting. I /we do what we can and have done for decades. I don't feel drawn to activism but I do believe we can make a difference by how we choose to live, what and where we choose to buy and that consumers or not consuming (refusing to buy into consumerism) could have a huge impact if only people realised how powerful they actually are. I believe the world will be just fine without humans. It has been for most of its existence.

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Thanks for this Jennifer. I began to feel energized and inspired (and hopeful) after reading books by Jane Goodall. There is optimism to be had and is also what will get people moving towards change. Jane Goodall places importance on educating children and teaching ways to make positive impacts so that this will be natural as they grow and become adults. I love that idea!

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She’s amazing! We all need our sheros!

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May 22Liked by Jennifer Louden

The quote, "People across the world, and the political spectrum, underestimate levels of support for climate action. This “perception gap” matters." is so important to remember. If you read the news, you only see the worst of humanity. I believe there is more good out there than bad. I believe we all want a healthy and safe future for future generations. It can be difficult not to drown in the bad news. I appreciate that you are writing these gentle reminders that there is good in the world, and that small acts, do make a difference. You've inspired me to share the small ways I try to make changes and protect the environment. Thank you for inspiring me in so many ways.

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thank you for being inspired and taking action!!! big hugs!

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May 22Liked by Jennifer Louden

Thanks for this, Jen. I find it hard to join groups and even hard to leave comments! But I appreciate that you are discussing this and encouraging us all to take action. I’m still composting my thoughts but I hope I’ll do something more soon! Thanks for your ever encouraging words.

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Carol thanks for leaving a comment! I totally get that, I often feel shy about commenting too. And every time I do something that stretches me, as long as I’m not already frayed and exhausted, I do feel braver. So I need to remember that. Hugs.

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May 22Liked by Jennifer Louden

I can really relate to this with my work and passion which can weigh me down and leave me feeling “why bother?” So I thank you for this reminder to step away, recharge, remember I’m not alone, and keep doing what I can.

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Yes friend has to happen. But it’s so easy to think it won’t help when we are in the why bother space. ❤️

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May 22Liked by Jennifer Louden

I hear you.

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May 24Liked by Jennifer Louden

I'm glad you were able to get away and recharge in nature. Everyone should be encouraged to do so on a weekly basis. What a different world it would be.

As far as actions to reverse climate change, it's built in our lifestyle. We're vegan (which, as you might know is the best thing you can do for the planet) and we don't own a car. In other words, our footprint is light (is that the right word?). Lastly, I do think it makes a different to be aware of what is happening (but not in a crazy way, cause it's too depressing for me).

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May 22Liked by Jennifer Louden

Thank you for sharing the interview with Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson; I just read it, and looked up the All we can save website / book. I'm now wondering if there are any Circle reading groups in the UK...

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there you go — in action!! thank you for sharing!

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One of the most powerful things you can do as citizens of North America, is to stop silently sanctioning the wars that your government have been pursuing around the world in OTHER PEOPLE's TERRITORY. The rest of us riding a bike more often is sadly underwhelming from the atmosphere's perspective when dozens/hundreds of planes are carrying missiles and projectiles that are then deployed killing women and children, among other innocent people plus destroying natural habitats, waterways and whole ecosystems. Also, the cloud seeding - a problem that is most definitely and admittedly happening. Oh the hubris to think we can fuck around with weather over here and not fuck up climate over there. The globe is a circle and the airspace doesn't have borders. Please get politically active and join the revolution to rid us of these bastards who give not one fig about you or your climate change worries. It's a useful tool (for them) to keep you feeling helpless, nihilistic and defeated. Please get politically active - your government is leading the destruction of the world. Shame that you have to feel bad about it and it gives you feelings that make you feel uncomfortable - but appreciating the beauty around you needs backing up with some political action. (Advice for myself too.)

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