And…….. this is why I’ve watched Wicked four times so far! Also, I have packed and moved The Life Organizer with me for two cross country moves over a decade but this year I am FINALLY making it part of my daily life. The Women’s Comfort Book still has such a place in my heart. Self care is so important always but especially right now to nurture our power. Insecure folks seek to contain women because they are so intimidated by our power. If they weren’t scared, they would just ignore us. So we need to remember that and not give away our power or our joy! Witches unite! Thank you for your work!
This. yes...REMEMBER if they come after you with their trolling is because they see your power and are threatened. I learned this early on as i was posting a lot after the election on YouTube...and when I got the trolling comments, I thanked them for making my point for me! They kept trying to put me down, which just gave me more power...and I took it. It is great to realize...and a powerful way to start turning the fear around.
I resemble your statement✨️Of course we are witches. And what we are experiencing is a modern day witch hunt. Witch has been applied to folks to be feared, including men historically. We have witnessed the 'one whom I will not name' throw that phrase about. We have innate gifts and talents and can develop mastery in so many things, to heal and create for the common good, to connect with the Earth. I would love to have a deeper conversation into the archetypes. It is time we speak to these things out loud. I love you opening this up🌌💖🪄
yes to having deeper conversations into this and other powerful Feminine archetypes...great idea. I am writing a historical fiction about Mary Magdalene being the christ to jesus..and resurrecting Asherah (Ishtar/Inanna) and Lilith and hopefully others in the process. How would you like to see that conversation happen??
We are the daughters of the witches they could not burn (credit to whomever said that first) and I’ve been embracing my dark academia witchy side for the past year. It does give us back our power and I think it’s important for us to claim. Shout out to Sarah Jenks and the Holy Woman coven I joined last year. If we stand as witches, powerful women, it gives us the resolve to laugh in their faces instead of crumbling under the weight of the atrocities half the country has voted for now. Not going back, not ever. It’s the patriarchy’s turn to burn. 🧙🏻 thanks for sharing! Looking forward to your new book! You’re not alone🫶
Hi Jen, thank you for this beautiful piece and for asking these questions. When I see myself as a witch, it pulls me into a more resourceful, inspired, creative state for sure, and what helps me do that is being surrounded by other women. Dancing with them around some kind of cauldron - metaphorically (and sometimes literally!). In recent years this has looked like joining a women's circle in my home town where we gather in someone's living room around a real-life fire, and then starting to host my own circles online, and weaving that rhythm and practice into my life as a non-negotiable - spaces where we can speak what we cannot speak elsewhere and see each other without judgement is so powerful. I believe it is a way of healing from the witch wound; The fear that if we speak what is true, or show our magic, or step out of line with what we are expected to do or say we will be burned. That fear lives in my bones, and many women's bones, but there is also magic and stardust in us too. For me, other women's magic, reminds me of mine. It's such a joy to see your email back in my inbox today, and I also honour your choice to take a break with everything that's unfolding in the U.S. and beyond. Breaks are necessary 🖤
Amen to all this. I have started running women’s circles as well. They are healing and powerful in so many ways. We need reminders of our power and witchy ways more than ever. We find each other more easily when we speak up too. 🖤
Oooh, I love this post!!! I am totally a witch. I heard somewhere that back in the day post-menopausal women were considered witches as they had warts (!), they sweated, cooked herbal tinctures (to relieve the hot flushes?) and kept cats (Devil´s pets)...and they were sexually liberated because they did not reproduce anymore. Witch power rules! Let´s use some witchcraft to save the world!
I have been steeped in the "dark" side of the femine for over a decade now and haven't heard most of these...I LOVE THESE!!!! Yes to peri and post menopausal woman power!!!!
My 4th book(The Grand Motherhood) is exactly about this: grandmotherhood is grand because already in prehistoric times grandmothers were essential for survival (the “grandmother hypotheses”). We must take our power back and become the warriors we are wired to be!
My books are all in Finnish only, but I am trying to get them translated.
as someone who has always admired witches and has started to play around with the idea of practicing myself, I think this is beautifully put🖤 dark times call for magical women
Yes! This! We've got to stir up whatever kind of magic we have (and it's different for every woman) and put it to use during these upcoming years. Whether it's writing letters to the editor, writing a book (can't wait to read yours, Jen), using art, speaking out at school or town hall meetings, raising children to respect Mother Earth and all her inhabitants, or whatever. We all have divine gifts and power in us. Let's fire it up and make some magic, witches!
I just learned about hypernormalization via adrienne maree brown (a term coined in the Soviet Union to explain the disconnect between how people were actually experiencing things (severely broken) and how institutions and politicians at the top were acting (everything is working just fine). I felt such relief at learning that term, because my angst has been in the knowing, but being gaslit by the public narrative. Witch is another piece of vocabulary that lets us own our experience and wisdom and clear-eyed independence to make change. Happy to be a witch!
Hello. I definitely identify with the witch archetype. And I love the story in your novel. Maybe there is some truth in it thatit will be women and our wisdom who solve the climate crisis
Jennifer. I spent my childhood in Los Angeles ...didn't move away until around 1981 or so. What's happening there now makes me extremely sad. My sister is there (out of harm's way) so I go back often and can't imagine what it will be like to go back again and see the devastation for myself. Living there for thirty years means I have a lot of pictures in my mind of what things should look like there...and the thought that those places have burnt to the ground and the pain and loss experienced by people there breaks my heart. I have had a return of a lot of anxiety in the last few years...why? Oh yeah...the pandemic, January 6, this last election cycle, my own health issues, the LA fires and the way women are being treated! What's not to feel anxious about? Reading about witches did make me feel more powerful...I thought, "Take that!!" as I cast a spell.
As a child, the stupid patriarchal witch archetype brought up fear (as in Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz movie). Someone creepy and scary and strange. Not to be messed with. Then I read "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire and fell in love with Elphaba, the fierce, confident, anti-fascist freedom fighter. Thank you for the reminder that while often misunderstood, witches are powerful and magical and creative. And, like Elphaba, focused on truth and justice and doing good. I can totally embrace that. Bring it on, baby! Bring it on!
And…….. this is why I’ve watched Wicked four times so far! Also, I have packed and moved The Life Organizer with me for two cross country moves over a decade but this year I am FINALLY making it part of my daily life. The Women’s Comfort Book still has such a place in my heart. Self care is so important always but especially right now to nurture our power. Insecure folks seek to contain women because they are so intimidated by our power. If they weren’t scared, they would just ignore us. So we need to remember that and not give away our power or our joy! Witches unite! Thank you for your work!
This. yes...REMEMBER if they come after you with their trolling is because they see your power and are threatened. I learned this early on as i was posting a lot after the election on YouTube...and when I got the trolling comments, I thanked them for making my point for me! They kept trying to put me down, which just gave me more power...and I took it. It is great to realize...and a powerful way to start turning the fear around.
"Turn the fear around" - YES! And thanks, Holli!
Thank you so much, Scarlett. Those are kind words for this writer to read! I appreciate you!
I resemble your statement✨️Of course we are witches. And what we are experiencing is a modern day witch hunt. Witch has been applied to folks to be feared, including men historically. We have witnessed the 'one whom I will not name' throw that phrase about. We have innate gifts and talents and can develop mastery in so many things, to heal and create for the common good, to connect with the Earth. I would love to have a deeper conversation into the archetypes. It is time we speak to these things out loud. I love you opening this up🌌💖🪄
yes to having deeper conversations into this and other powerful Feminine archetypes...great idea. I am writing a historical fiction about Mary Magdalene being the christ to jesus..and resurrecting Asherah (Ishtar/Inanna) and Lilith and hopefully others in the process. How would you like to see that conversation happen??
So well said Teresa, we do have talents and we can rise up!
We are the daughters of the witches they could not burn (credit to whomever said that first) and I’ve been embracing my dark academia witchy side for the past year. It does give us back our power and I think it’s important for us to claim. Shout out to Sarah Jenks and the Holy Woman coven I joined last year. If we stand as witches, powerful women, it gives us the resolve to laugh in their faces instead of crumbling under the weight of the atrocities half the country has voted for now. Not going back, not ever. It’s the patriarchy’s turn to burn. 🧙🏻 thanks for sharing! Looking forward to your new book! You’re not alone🫶
thanks Mac, appreciate that so much.
Hi Jen, thank you for this beautiful piece and for asking these questions. When I see myself as a witch, it pulls me into a more resourceful, inspired, creative state for sure, and what helps me do that is being surrounded by other women. Dancing with them around some kind of cauldron - metaphorically (and sometimes literally!). In recent years this has looked like joining a women's circle in my home town where we gather in someone's living room around a real-life fire, and then starting to host my own circles online, and weaving that rhythm and practice into my life as a non-negotiable - spaces where we can speak what we cannot speak elsewhere and see each other without judgement is so powerful. I believe it is a way of healing from the witch wound; The fear that if we speak what is true, or show our magic, or step out of line with what we are expected to do or say we will be burned. That fear lives in my bones, and many women's bones, but there is also magic and stardust in us too. For me, other women's magic, reminds me of mine. It's such a joy to see your email back in my inbox today, and I also honour your choice to take a break with everything that's unfolding in the U.S. and beyond. Breaks are necessary 🖤
That's beautiful! women's circles were such an important part of my life when I was in my 20's and 30's, maybe it's time for one in my 60's!!
🖤I wish I had discovered the power of women's circles in my 20's!
Amen to all this. I have started running women’s circles as well. They are healing and powerful in so many ways. We need reminders of our power and witchy ways more than ever. We find each other more easily when we speak up too. 🖤
🖤Yes to what you say about finding each other more easily when we speak up🖤
Oooh, I love this post!!! I am totally a witch. I heard somewhere that back in the day post-menopausal women were considered witches as they had warts (!), they sweated, cooked herbal tinctures (to relieve the hot flushes?) and kept cats (Devil´s pets)...and they were sexually liberated because they did not reproduce anymore. Witch power rules! Let´s use some witchcraft to save the world!
I have been steeped in the "dark" side of the femine for over a decade now and haven't heard most of these...I LOVE THESE!!!! Yes to peri and post menopausal woman power!!!!
It really is an incredible image, older women saving the world.
My 4th book(The Grand Motherhood) is exactly about this: grandmotherhood is grand because already in prehistoric times grandmothers were essential for survival (the “grandmother hypotheses”). We must take our power back and become the warriors we are wired to be!
My books are all in Finnish only, but I am trying to get them translated.
Got my first wart just in time!
Haha! There you go!
as someone who has always admired witches and has started to play around with the idea of practicing myself, I think this is beautifully put🖤 dark times call for magical women
what a great line "dark times call for magical women."
I love this, Jen! Witch energy is alive energy, energy that's not about pleasing, but about truth and freedom and creativity --
like us!
I mean, yes!
Ahhhh, so that is what I am, a witch. I love this post and the energy it invites us into. Thank you for your witchy words my friend!
thank you for that Roxanne quote that got me thinking
I don’t even remember giving it to you 😂😂😂 Yay me!
Yes! This! We've got to stir up whatever kind of magic we have (and it's different for every woman) and put it to use during these upcoming years. Whether it's writing letters to the editor, writing a book (can't wait to read yours, Jen), using art, speaking out at school or town hall meetings, raising children to respect Mother Earth and all her inhabitants, or whatever. We all have divine gifts and power in us. Let's fire it up and make some magic, witches!
Naomi yes, i love that you say it's different for every woman. Thank you for that!
We women are the most powerful creatures on earth. Some days we forget. I try not to.
I just learned about hypernormalization via adrienne maree brown (a term coined in the Soviet Union to explain the disconnect between how people were actually experiencing things (severely broken) and how institutions and politicians at the top were acting (everything is working just fine). I felt such relief at learning that term, because my angst has been in the knowing, but being gaslit by the public narrative. Witch is another piece of vocabulary that lets us own our experience and wisdom and clear-eyed independence to make change. Happy to be a witch!
one thing we must not do is gaslight ourselves!
Hello. I definitely identify with the witch archetype. And I love the story in your novel. Maybe there is some truth in it thatit will be women and our wisdom who solve the climate crisis
we will be part of the solution, for sure.
Jennifer. I spent my childhood in Los Angeles ...didn't move away until around 1981 or so. What's happening there now makes me extremely sad. My sister is there (out of harm's way) so I go back often and can't imagine what it will be like to go back again and see the devastation for myself. Living there for thirty years means I have a lot of pictures in my mind of what things should look like there...and the thought that those places have burnt to the ground and the pain and loss experienced by people there breaks my heart. I have had a return of a lot of anxiety in the last few years...why? Oh yeah...the pandemic, January 6, this last election cycle, my own health issues, the LA fires and the way women are being treated! What's not to feel anxious about? Reading about witches did make me feel more powerful...I thought, "Take that!!" as I cast a spell.
It's so much to feel, to hold, to try to understand, Linda. Take good care and keep making spells.
I really REALLY want to read your book!!
thank you!! As I start revisions, reading that helps!
As a child, the stupid patriarchal witch archetype brought up fear (as in Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz movie). Someone creepy and scary and strange. Not to be messed with. Then I read "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire and fell in love with Elphaba, the fierce, confident, anti-fascist freedom fighter. Thank you for the reminder that while often misunderstood, witches are powerful and magical and creative. And, like Elphaba, focused on truth and justice and doing good. I can totally embrace that. Bring it on, baby! Bring it on!
and men are afraid of us, that's the root of it.
Yes! I am a witch, and we can conjure a way forward always. It is what women do. Thank you!